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Product prices quoted do not include transit costs. Any courier or handling charges in relation to your order will be notified to you at the time you place your order and be added to the price. Purchases made on our website will be delivered only within New Zealand (unless other wised arranged prior to purchase)


1. We will use our best endeavours to despatch orders no later than four business days after the day your order is received by us and you have received confirmation of your order from us via email or equivalent. We are not responsible for any failure to deliver or relay in delivery caused by any event outside of our reasonable control.

2. In the event that we fail to deliver any products, you may elect to cancel your order in respect only of the products not delivered unless we have contacted you and you have agreed to delivery at a later date.

3. Where we fail to deliver or delay delivery of your order or part of your order or where any loss is incurred by you in relation to such delivery and is within our control, our liability shall be restricted to payment of the cost of replacing the order or part of the order, as we may determine (in our sole discretion).

4. Advice regarding order shortages or damage in transit must be given to us no later than three days after receipt of products.

5. Delivery is complete when the products reach the address you have specified for delivery. We will be responsible for arranging the delivery of products unless you arrange otherwise with us.

6. Nothing in these terms entitles you to return the products as being surplus to your needs, or for any other reason other than set out herein.


8.1 Subject to clause 5 of our Purchase Terms Agreement

(a) After we have accepted your order for the products, you may not cancel the order without our consent.

(b) We will not consent to cancellation if we have processed documentation in fulfilment of your order.

(c) Returns for credit will be given at our discretion. The cost of return is your responsibility.

(d) In the event that we consent to cancellation, we may require you to pay a minimum handling charge of $4.00 exclusive of GST per case or part thereof or a maximum of 15% of the total value of your order.

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